Don't Judge me, You cant even walk half of my july life.
by:daniel modimo

DONT judge me you cant even walk half of the problems i dealt with only in JULY 2007. READ THE WHOLE STORY
JULY Is Daniel Marven Modimo Month, So Much Painful / HURTING Things Had Happened.
1. 07 JULY 2007--Was my interview in SANDF
2.12 JULY 2007--The death of my mother
3. 13 JULY 2007--Was my turning 21years old.
4 whole JULY was BITTER
Immediately after finishing my Matric in 2006 , I got an Opportunity to go to Varsity in Pretoria. After six 6 month of varsity Attendance , I GOT a call Back home telling me my mother health condition is increasing so bad. Straight after my Matric i applied for a job in (SOUTH AFRICAN DEFENCE FORCE MILITARY ) luckly they shortlisted me to be interviewed on the 07 JULY 2007 at Polokwane Internationals Airport .

Before the interview i forced to see my mother for the last time , it was on the 03 july 2007, when i arrive home she was so sick , she couldn't eat , bath , she couldn't even walk , laying on bed for a month .I entered her room , immediately i cracked down with Tears and crying alot. Asking GOD in a prayer why my mom ?? with anger. I POURED water in a bath make sure she be clean and make something for her to eat , and i forced her to eat. she was not even talking ..BUT that time for the first time she Open her mouth and say to me SILENTLY Daniel My son please when i am died and longer in this earth Please take care of your 2 siblings (MY TWO YOUNGER SISTERS) and REmember i was only 21years old .. I HOLD HER HAND she was crying and i was crying also.
on THE 07 JULY 2007 traveled to POLOKWANE INTERNATIONAL airport for my interview and i was accompanied by my cousin Galeboe .THE interview continued early in the morning , number of candidate was 151 and the required number to be employed by SANDF (SOUTH AFRICAN DEFENCE FORCE) was 150 .Could you believe this out of 151 candidate i was the only one 1 failed .. i stormed out in the interview after the result that 150 passed and i failed . I CRIED alot , and again ask GOD ?? WHY ME , WHY ME ???
I stayed in Polokwane for 3 days on the 12 JULY 2007 received a call telling me that my mother died..i cried out loud and ask GOD why my mother ?? why my mother??
on the 13 JULY 2007 WAS MY birth day turning 21 years old ..couldnt even celebrate it because it was the death of my mother.
if i was not having HOPE, FAITH, BELIEVES IN GOD i could have been taked away my life also..BUT because i have visions and dreams i stayed strong for that JULY MONTH.
if JULY 2007 couldn't break me down into pieces NOTHING will break me .TODAY Still here standing and achieving thing for the benefit of PATIENT, BELIEVING AND TRUSTING IN HIM..
author : daniel marven


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