Lebogang Ralefeta Longman Living with Arts, music and fashion
Lebogang Ralefeta Longman: ARTS , music , FASHION
Daniel marven modimo: Who exactly Is Lebogang Ralefata Longman?
Lebonga Ralefeta: Lebogang Ralefeta is a young legend in the arts of creativity raised as the only boy in the family and a very ambiti0us entrepreneur who loves entertaininment and meeting people.
Daniel marven modimo: What challenges have u meet in your Childhood
Lebonga Ralefeta: I grew up in the streets with my friends till i got stabbed and the situations were not easy it changed my whole reality of the meaning of life. Although it was not easy I managed to get over a lot of negative energy in my life and it makes me who I am today.
Daniel marven modimo: Which business are u in ?
Lebonga Ralefeta: I am into entertainment. I recenctly did a commercial with Mc Donalds cuppa cake, I have company named 'Art 102' that specialises in my art drawings and paintings and the work was on m0rning live sabe 2 and channel 404
Lebonga Ralefeta: I was an extra in the hollywood m0vie 'Money m0nster' with George Clooney and Julia Robberts
Lebonga Ralefeta: I have a fashion line I working
Lebonga Ralefeta: I am daily on the m0ve for business to as far as being a translator
Daniel marven modimo: So where are u originally coming from

Lebonga Ralefeta: I was b0rn in Bochum, raised in a village near seshego called blood river, did my high school at Lebowakgomo, Pretoria showed me love. I always tell people I am an african because no province can define me.
Daniel marven modimo: Wow !! So where Do you wanna see yourself in 5years
Lebonga Ralefeta: In 5years I wana see my self as a succesful great artist with a loving heart and having a movie about 1 of the thngs we go through as artists with passion. I wana a beautiful wife and have a beautiful family. I wana travel and learn more about humanity
Daniel marven modimo: Are you Married
Lebonga Ralefeta: Not yet
Daniel marven modimo: But are you willing to if you get the chance
Lebonga Ralefeta: Yep! Its the 1 thing I would love my mom see.
[Daniel marven modimo: I can see u into arts , do you came from university to study it
Lebonga Ralefeta: I dropped out at the Tshwane University of Technology after experiencing a loss of my grandmother who raised but with patience I started my diploma afresh at the Tshwane North College where I did exceedingly good wth only distincti0ns on all my subjects. I feel like educati0n is really important even when you are multi talented like me.
Lebonga Ralefeta: Grandm0ther who raised me
Daniel marven modimo: That Good..!! If People want to work with u , where should they get you?
Lebonga Ralefeta: People can get me on 0728533563 or check my facebook page: Art.go 102 or email: lmralefeta@gmail.com
Daniel marven modimo: Who exactly Is Lebogang Ralefata Longman?
Lebonga Ralefeta: Lebogang Ralefeta is a young legend in the arts of creativity raised as the only boy in the family and a very ambiti0us entrepreneur who loves entertaininment and meeting people.
Daniel marven modimo: What challenges have u meet in your Childhood
Lebonga Ralefeta: I grew up in the streets with my friends till i got stabbed and the situations were not easy it changed my whole reality of the meaning of life. Although it was not easy I managed to get over a lot of negative energy in my life and it makes me who I am today.
Daniel marven modimo: Which business are u in ?
Lebonga Ralefeta: I am into entertainment. I recenctly did a commercial with Mc Donalds cuppa cake, I have company named 'Art 102' that specialises in my art drawings and paintings and the work was on m0rning live sabe 2 and channel 404
Lebonga Ralefeta: I was an extra in the hollywood m0vie 'Money m0nster' with George Clooney and Julia Robberts
Lebonga Ralefeta: I have a fashion line I working
Lebonga Ralefeta: I am daily on the m0ve for business to as far as being a translator
Daniel marven modimo: So where are u originally coming from

Daniel marven modimo: Wow !! So where Do you wanna see yourself in 5years
Lebonga Ralefeta: In 5years I wana see my self as a succesful great artist with a loving heart and having a movie about 1 of the thngs we go through as artists with passion. I wana a beautiful wife and have a beautiful family. I wana travel and learn more about humanity
Daniel marven modimo: Are you Married
Lebonga Ralefeta: Not yet
Daniel marven modimo: But are you willing to if you get the chance
Lebonga Ralefeta: Yep! Its the 1 thing I would love my mom see.
[Daniel marven modimo: I can see u into arts , do you came from university to study it
Lebonga Ralefeta: I dropped out at the Tshwane University of Technology after experiencing a loss of my grandmother who raised but with patience I started my diploma afresh at the Tshwane North College where I did exceedingly good wth only distincti0ns on all my subjects. I feel like educati0n is really important even when you are multi talented like me.
Lebonga Ralefeta: Grandm0ther who raised me
Daniel marven modimo: That Good..!! If People want to work with u , where should they get you?
Lebonga Ralefeta: People can get me on 0728533563 or check my facebook page: Art.go 102 or email: lmralefeta@gmail.com
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